Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Ellen DeGenerous; This is how we live

The Ellen DeGenerous article is humorous on how technology is starting to hurt us. She talks about how we have made advancements in things that we really did not need to like yogurt and moving walk ways. For example like with yogurt, now we don't just have yogurt but we have "Go-Gurt". Like really do we really need yogurt that is in a tube that you can take on the go. I agree with Ellen in saying that some of these technology's are just ridicules with something's. For some older people it might look a little crazy but for kids it is the cool thing to have . An you wouldn't have to worry about if you forgot a spoon or anything like that. So I guess you can look at it both cases as a good and bad technology that has been transformed. Next I do really agree with her saying that it is absurd to have a moving walk ways in air ports. Like how lazy can you get that you cant walk and you have to take something that gets you there slower then actually walking. like when I see somebody on that I just like how lazy are we actually getting, like just walk! Soon or later we will have these things everywhere and no one will ever walk again. There is a lot of technology then you would thing and some of it is good and beneficial. Then there is some that is just very unnecessary and un called for. Reading this article I had a few laughs on what she was saying but in the big picture she had really good points. Technology will keep advancing and how ever you see if its useful or not is your point of view.        

Everything bad is good for you

This article talks about how kids these days are more focused on video games and less on reading. There was a study that showed reading for fun has progressively decreased more and more every year. Kids these days would rather sit down and watch TV or play some type of video game the just read for fun. It also says that book company's are taking a big hit on this because no one is buying hard copy's of books anymore. If someone is going to read they can get it electronically somehow. It says that the TV is starting to turn kids into zombie and all they want to do is sit inside and watch TV or play video games. Books and reading is just starting to not be apart of the new generations of kids. An for future generations it will continue to decrease and get progressively worse.  

Tuesday, February 18, 2014


After reading "It takes a tribe" I totally agree on what is said in the passage. The competition between different groups is at a high. It is not only college but high school and everyday life. Groups want to ester there dominance in every aspect that they can. Talking about this in college is a way groups solidify themselves. A college is a community together but have groups inside that community, tribes per say. The ones that come to my mind are sorority's, fraternity's and sports teams.  They all want to be the best at everything and will compete with each other at it. They want to be the best, the talk of the college and be the alpha male. To put it into example I would say it to be like the African safari. Where the lion is the best and everyone goes around them. They are the alpha male and that is what everyone wants to be, the best and only the best.

Monday, February 10, 2014

pic collage

For my picture collage I chose the 3 things that matter the most to me my family, close friends and football. All three of these things are real important to me in my life. My family is obviously the most important to me. they will always be behind my back no matter what I do. They have pushed me to go to college and to keep playing football. The most important person in my family is my mom tough. My mom is like my best friend I talk to her about everything an anything. She has had the most influence on me in every aspect of my life. I will love her no matter what forever.

The other two parts in my life are my friends and football. There are only so many people I actually call my friends and that I would trust my life with. My close friends are always there for me no matter what. I have three friends that are like brothers to me Dan, Spanky and mark. They are my brothers from another mother, they will do anything for me and I will do the same for them. They are my best friends and brothers for life. Then there is football, what would I do without it. Football to me is something that I love with the outmost passion. It is something that has and always will be with me. Their are no words to describe how much I love the game. I know I cant play forever but I will always have it in my life forever.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

High Schools Secret Life

High Schools Secret Life
The other day we read a story called High Schools Secret Life and it was very interesting to me. To my point of view it was very accurate to what real high school is in todays life. This story in my view was to show how high school students get there identity. What I found most interesting about this story was that it is true. what is said on how high schools get there identity. It all starts on who you hangout with, your outfit, if your smart or not, etc. This is no surprise at all, this is how high school is no a days. I would have to say I agree on what is said on how your identity comes out. Like stated the popular kids wear Abercrombie & Fitch and they more or less say run the school. The athletes are the kids with sports logo and baseball hats and run the halls like no other. This is true in high school or at least the high school I went too and what I have heard from my friends at other schools. It is very convincing with that supporting evidence to me at least. But there is also the other group that is in all high school, the druggies. Like stated in the story they are bunch of big kids that are class clowns not that athletic but are the druggies of the school. In conclusion of this article I would have to say that you make your own identity. No body makes it for you have to make it yourself and be who you want to be in life.